
SEFI2022 a la UPC


19-22 setembre 2022 a Barcelona

La Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ha pres el testimoni de la Technische Universität Berlin i serà la universitat seu del congrés anual de la European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI),

que se celebrarà a Barcelona del 19 al 22 de setembre de 2022.

Aquestes han estat les paraules de benvinguda de la directora de l’Institut de Ciències de l’Educació de la UPC, copresidenta del congrés SEFI2022:



Dear colleagues:

From the Institute of Education Sciences of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), it is my pleasure to invite you to participate in the SEFI Annual Conference that will take place 19-22 September 2022 in Barcelona.

The UPC is a public institution of research and higher education in the fields of engineering, architecture, sciences and technology, and one of the leading technical universities in Europe. Every year, more than 6,000 bachelor’s and master’s students and more than 500 doctoral students graduate. The UPC has a high graduate employment rate: 93% of its graduates are in work and 76% find work in under three months. It is ranked in the main international rankings.

Its Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) is the academic unit that contributes to the enhancement of quality education at the UPC by means of promoting improvement and innovation in teaching and by providing training for academic staff in Teaching and Learning issues.

The SEFI Annual Conference is a scientific conference focused on Engineering Education and one of the biggest events of this type in Europe, it is a unique opportunity for professors, students, industry and professional organisations to exchange their views and to meet their peers and create a European network of contacts.

The topic proposed for SEFI2022, “Towards new scenarios in Engineering Education”, reflects the objectives of the society and the priorities identified by its members.

The enthusiastic and committed participation of all those interested in joining the Annual Conference will allow us to reaffirm our conviction that in the collective exchange we will find lines of work and elements of collaboration in Engineering Education. And we will do so by celebrating the 50th SEFI Annual Conference, when in turn we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the UPC.

We are convinced that Catalunya, in general, and the city of Barcelona, in particular, with the hospitality that characterises them, will ensure that the participants in the conference spend fruitful moments of scientific exchange, as well as spaces for collaboration that will contribute to strengthen the research networks and research projects that unite the great SEFI community.

Finally, I would like to congratulate the excellent organisation of this fantastic SEFI2021 conference in Berlin, and I join the hope that in Barcelona we can finally share face to face our contributions, in the desire to leave this terrible pandemic behind.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Barcelona, thank you for your attention.

Ariadna Llorens

September 16th 2021

Associació SEFI:

SEFI Annual Conference 2021 (Berlin):