Australasian Journal of Engineering Education
Factor d'impacte: 0.217 - Quartil: 57th(885/1401) (SJR; Education); 54th(260/676) (SJR; Engineering); 31th(163/363) (SJR Computer Science; Human-Computer Interaction);
The Australasian Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE) is published under the auspices of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AaeE), a technical society of Engineers Australia. The journal is offered as a means of exchanging current work and ideas, predominately from Australasian engineering education faculties and as a resource for Continuing Professional Development for our community. The journal is open to members and non-members of Engineers Australia. Accés a la revista
- Factor d'impacte: 0.217
- Quartil
- 57th(885/1401) (SJR; Education);
- 54th(260/676) (SJR; Engineering);
- 31th(163/363) (SJR Computer Science; Human-Computer Interaction);
Altres informacions
- ISSN: 1324-5821
- Accessibilitat des de la UPC:
No tenim subscripció - Paràmetres UPC
- Punts PAR: 20 punts Tipus 1 (Educació); 20 punts Tipus 1 (Ciències; Enginyeria); 8 punts Tipus 1 (Ciències; computadors)
- Paraules clau: