International Journal of Art & Design Education
Factor d'impacte: 0.475 - Quartil: Q4(244/263) (JCR SSCI; Education & Educational research)
The journal reflects and welcomes a wide range of theoretical and practical approaches especially those that debate the social and cultural values which inform art and design education, offer illustrated case studies, analyse and exemplify specific art, craft and design practices in all sectors of education, and that critically engage with the past, present and future of art and design education. Accés a la revista
- Factor d'impacte: 0.475
- Quartil
- Q4(244/263) (JCR SSCI; Education & Educational research)
Altres informacions
- ISSN: 1476-8070
- Accessibilitat des de la UPC: - Paràmetres UPC
- Punts PAR: 16 punts Tipus 1 (Educació)
- Paraules clau: