
International Journal of Innovation and Learning

Factor d'impacte: 0.224 - Quartil: 46th(833/1272) (SJR; Education); 37th(154/241) (SJR Management of Technology and Innovation)

The IJIL, a fully refereed journal, is an authoritative source presenting information on the current practice, content, technology, and services in the area of innovation and learning. Accés a la revista


  • Factor d'impacte: 0.224
  • Quartil
    46th(833/1272) (SJR; Education); 
    37th(154/241) (SJR; Management of Technology and Innovation)

Altres informacions

  • ISSN: 1471-8197
  • Accessibilitat des de la UPC:
    No tenim subscripció
  • Paràmetres UPC
    Punts PAR: 8 punts Tipus 1 (Educació), 8 punts.
  • Paraules clau: