
Mathematical Thinking and Learning

Factor d'impacte: 1.074 - Quartil: Q3(196/263) (JCR SSCI; Education and educational research)

The international mathematics education community is maturing at a rapid and exciting rate. Although this community has developed its own research perspectives and theoretical frameworks, it continues to expand its horizons by drawing upon new theories and research in mathematics, psychology, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, and information technology. Mathematical Thinking and Learning is directed at researchers interested in mathematics education from any of these perspectives, with a particular focus on mathematical thinking, reasoning, and learning. Accés a la revista


  • Factor d'impacte: 1.074
  • Quartil
    Q3(196/263) (JCR SSCI; Education and educational research)

Altres informacions

  • ISSN: 1098-6065
  • Accessibilitat des de la UPC:
    No tenim subscripció
  • Paràmetres UPC
    Punts PAR: 30 punts Tipus 1 (Educació)
  • Paraules clau: